Native Client (NaCl) and 64 bit Ubuntu

I just started investigating Native Client development, using my Linux chroot on the Chromebook Pixel, and when attempting to build the examples, I got the following error:

/home/bemjb/Code/SDKs/nacl_sdk/pepper_26/toolchain/linux_x86_newlib/bin/i686-nacl-gcc: line 14: /home/bemjb/Code/SDKs/nacl_sdk/pepper_26/too lchain/linux_x86_newlib/bin/x86_64-nacl-gcc: No such file or directory

If you see something similar, it's because you don't have ia32-libs package installed. It took a lot of searching to find this forum post from someone else with Native Client issues on 64-bit Linux that confirmed that installing ia32-libs solves the issue. So hopefully having this posted here will help others in the future that run into the same issue. If anyone knows someone at Google who could update the official site, that would be even better. (I did use the "File a bug" feature in the footer of the documentation page to give feedback.)